deCONZ C++ API v2.6.1
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types.h File Reference

Declaration of the most common deCONZ library types. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


union  deCONZ::NumericUnion
 Holds various numeric values 8-64 bit, signed and unsigned. More...
struct  deCONZ::BindReq


namespace  deCONZ
 The deCONZ namespace.


#define CL_URL_SCHEME   "cluster"
#define CL_ITEM_ENDPOINT   "ep"
#define CL_ITEM_EXT_ADDR   "ieee"
#define CL_ITEM_CLUSTER_ID   "cid"
#define CL_ITEM_NAME   "name"
#define CL_ITEM_CLUSTER_SIDE   "side"
#define CL_ITEM_PROFILE_ID   "prf"
#define CL_ITEM_DEVICE_ID   "dev"
#define EP_URL_SCHEME   "endpoint"
#define ZLL_PROFILE_ID   0xC05E
#define GP_PROFILE_ID   0xa1e0
#define HA_PROFILE_ID   0x0104
#define SE_PROFILE_ID   0x0109
#define HA_DEFAULT_TC_LINK_KEY   0x5a6967426565416c6c69616e63653039LL


enum  deCONZ::LibraryReturnCodes {
  deCONZ::Success = 0 , deCONZ::ErrorNotConnected , deCONZ::ErrorQueueIsFull , deCONZ::ErrorNodeIsZombie ,
 Return codes of the deCONZ library. More...
enum  deCONZ::NwkBroadcastAddress { deCONZ::BroadcastAll = 0xFFFF , deCONZ::BroadcastLowPowerRouters = 0xFFFB , deCONZ::BroadcastRouters = 0xFFFC , deCONZ::BroadcastRxOnWhenIdle = 0xFFFD }
 Special network layer broadcast addresses. More...
enum  deCONZ::SecurityMode {
  SecModeNoSecurity = 0x00 , SecModePreconfiguredNetworkKey = 0x01 , SecModeNetworkKeyFromTrustCenter = 0x02 , SecModeNoMasterButTrustCeneterLinkKey = 0x03 ,
  SecModeMasterKey = 0x04
 Security modes.
enum  Indication {
  IndicateNone , IndicateReceive , IndicateSend , IndicateSendDone ,
  IndicateDataUpdate , IndicateError
enum  deCONZ::ZdpState {
  ZdpSuccess = 0x00 , ZdpInvalidRequestType = 0x80 , ZdpDeviceNotFound = 0x81 , ZdpInvalidEndpoint = 0x82 ,
  ZdpNotActive = 0x83 , ZdpNotSupported = 0x84 , ZdpTimeout = 0x85 , ZdpNoMatch = 0x86 ,
  ZdpNoEntry = 0x88 , ZdpNoDescriptor = 0x89 , ZdpInsufficientSpace = 0x8a , ZdpNotPermitted = 0x8b ,
  ZdpTableFull = 0x8c , ZdpNotAuthorized = 0x8d
 Common ZigBee Device Profile (ZDP) status codes.
enum  deCONZ::ZclStatus {
  ZclSuccessStatus = 0x00 , ZclFailureStatus = 0x01 , ZclNotAuthorizedStatus = 0x7e , ZclReservedFieldNotZeroStatus = 0x7f ,
  ZclMalformedCommandStatus = 0x80 , ZclUnsupClusterCommandStatus = 0x81 , ZclUnsupGeneralCommandStatus = 0x82 , ZclUnsupManufClusterCommandStatus = 0x83 ,
  ZclUnsupManufGeneralCommandStatus = 0x84 , ZclInvalidFieldStatus = 0x85 , ZclUnsupportedAttributeStatus = 0x86 , ZclInvalidValueStatus = 0x87 ,
  ZclReadOnlyStatus = 0x88 , ZclInsufficientSpaceStatus = 0x89 , ZclInconstistentStartupStateStatus = 0x90 , ZclDefinedOutOfBandStatus = 0x91 ,
  ZclHardwareFailureStatus = 0xc0 , ZclSoftwareFailureStatus = 0xc1 , ZclCalibrationErrorStatus = 0xc2 , ZclClusterNotSupportedErrorStatus = 0xc3
 Common ZigBee Cluster Library (ZCL) status codes.
enum  deCONZ::ApsStatus {
  ApsSuccessStatus = 0x00 , ApsAsduTooLongStatus = 0xa0 , ApsDefragDeferredStatus = 0xa1 , ApsDefragUnsupportedStatus = 0xa2 ,
  ApsIllegalRequestStatus = 0xa3 , ApsInvalidBindingStatus = 0xa4 , ApsInvalidGroupStatus = 0xa5 , ApsInvalidParameterStatus = 0xa6 ,
  ApsNoAckStatus = 0xa7 , ApsNoBoundDeviceStatus = 0xa8 , ApsNoShortAddressStatus = 0xa9 , ApsNotSupportedStatus = 0xaa ,
  ApsSecuredLinkKeyStatus = 0xab , ApsSecuredNwkKeyStatus = 0xac , ApsSecurityFailStatus = 0xad , ApsTableFullStatus = 0xae ,
  ApsUnsecuredStatus = 0xaf , ApsUnsupportedAttributeStatus = 0xb0
 Common Application Support Layer (APS) status codes.
enum  deCONZ::NwkStatus {
  NwkInvalidParameterStatus = 0xc1 , NwkInvalidRequestStatus = 0xc2 , NwkNotPermittedStatus = 0xc3 , NwkStartupFailureStatus = 0xc4 ,
  NwkAlreadyPresentStatus = 0xc5 , NwkSyncFailureStatus = 0xc6 , NwkNeighborTableFullStatus = 0xc7 , NwkNoNetworkStatus = 0xca ,
  NwkRouteDiscoveryFailedStatus = 0xd0 , NwkRouteErrorStatus = 0xd1 , NwkBroadcastTableFullStatus = 0xd2
 Common Network Layer (NWK) status codes.
enum  deCONZ::MacStatus {
  MacNoChannelAccess = 0xe1 , MacInvalidParameterStatus = 0xe8 , MacNoAckStatus = 0xe9 , MacNoBeaconStatus = 0xea ,
  MacTransactionExpiredStatus = 0xf0
 Common Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) status codes.
enum  deCONZ::ApsRequestKeyStatus {
  ApsRequestKeySuccessStatus = 0x00 , ApsRequestKeyNoShortAddressStatus = 0x01 , ApsRequestKeySecurityFailStatus = 0x02 , ApsRequestKeyNotSendStatus = 0x03 ,
  ApsRequestKeyTimeoutStatus = 0x04
 Bitcloud's APSME-REQUEST-KEY.confirm status codes. More...
enum  deCONZ::AddressMode { NoAddress = 0x0 , NwkAddress = 0x1 , ExtAddress = 0x2 , GroupAddress = 0x4 }
 ZigBee device types.
enum  deCONZ::DeviceType { Coordinator , Router , EndDevice , UnknownDevice }
 ZigBee device types.
enum  NeighborPermitJoin { NeighborAcceptJoin , NeighborNotAcceptJoin , NeighborJoinUnknown }
enum  deCONZ::DeviceRelationship {
  ParentRelation = 0x0 , ChildRelation , SiblingRelation , UnknownRelation ,
  PreviousChildRelation , UnauthenticatedChildRelation
 Neighbortable relationship between devices.
enum  deCONZ::NetEvent {
  UnknownEvent , deCONZ::GotGeneralFrame , deCONZ::DeviceStateChanged , deCONZ::GotNetworkConfig ,
  deCONZ::GotBindResponse , deCONZ::GotUnbindResponse , deCONZ::GotMgmtBind , deCONZ::GotNodeDescriptor ,
  deCONZ::GotPowerDescriptor , deCONZ::GotSimpleDescriptor , deCONZ::GotComplexDescriptor , deCONZ::GotUserDescriptor ,
  deCONZ::GotMgmtLqiPart , deCONZ::GotActiveEndpoints , deCONZ::GotLqiRssi , deCONZ::GotZclReadAttributes ,
  deCONZ::GotNetDescriptor , deCONZ::GotNwkAddressList , deCONZ::GotLinkKey , deCONZ::GotApsDataConfirm ,
  deCONZ::GotApsDataIndication , deCONZ::NeighborUpdated , deCONZ::NotifyError , deCONZ::NotifyZdpError ,
  deCONZ::NotifyZclError , deCONZ::NotifyNwkError , deCONZ::NotifyStatus , deCONZ::NotifyText ,
  deCONZ::NodeDataChanged , deCONZ::NodeDeleted
 Type of a event send by the zmMaster. More...
enum  RequestId {
  ReqUnknown = 0 , ReqNwkAddr , ReqIeeeAddr , ReqNodeDescriptor ,
  ReqPowerDescriptor , ReqSimpleDescriptor , ReqUserDescriptor , ReqActiveEndpoints ,
  ReqMgmtLqi , ReqMgmtBind , ReqMaxItems
enum  deCONZ::State {
  NotInNetwork = 0 , Connecting , InNetwork , Leaving ,
  UnknownState , Touchlink
 The state of a device or node.
enum  deCONZ::ConnectMode { ConnectModeManual = 0x00 , ConnectModeNormal = 0x01 , ConnectModeZll = 0x02 }
 Defines how the device connects to the network.
enum  deCONZ::CommonState : unsigned char {
  IdleState = 0 , BusyState , WaitState , ConfirmedState ,
  TimeoutState , FailureState , FinishState , FireAndForgetState
 Common states for various purposes.
enum  deCONZ::FrequencyBand { UnknownFrequencyBand = 0 , deCONZ::Freq868 = 0x08 , deCONZ::Freq902 = 0x20 , deCONZ::Freq2400 = 0x40 }
 ZigBee frequency band. More...
enum  GraphicalTypes { GraphNodeType = 1 , GraphLinkType = 2 , GraphSocketType = 3 }

Detailed Description

Declaration of the most common deCONZ library types.