The deCONZ application is a tool to configure, control and monitor Zigbee networks with the ConBee.
The following sections describe the installation steps of deCONZ for various platforms.

Supported platforms
The RaspBee must be placed on the Raspberry Pi header as follows:

Important: The RaspBee must not be placed in an offset position, as this will damage the module!

Supported Raspberry Pi models and distributions
- Raspberry Pi (all models, except Pico)
- Raspberry Pi OS
The following steps describe the manual installation of deCONZ. Alternatively a preinstalled SD-card image can be used.
Configure user access rights of the serial interface
sudo raspi-config
Interface Options → Serial Port
- Would you like a login shell accessible over serial? → No
- Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled? → Yes
Note: Changes to access rights only become active after a restart.
Import Phoscon public key
wget -qO- https://phoscon.de/apt/deconz.pub.key | gpg --dearmor | \ sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/deconz-keyring.gpg >/dev/null
Configure the APT repository for deCONZ
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://phoscon.de/apt/deconz \ generic main' > \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deconz.list"
Beta (alternative)
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://phoscon.de/apt/deconz \ generic-beta main' > \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deconz.list"
Update APT package list
sudo apt update
Install deCONZ
sudo apt install deconz
After the installation deCONZ can be started via the application menu.
Menu > Programming > deCONZ

Now the first Zigbee devices can be paired via the Phoscon App. Further information can be found in the Phoscon App documentation.
Supported host systems
- Linux x86_64/amd64
- Linux armv7 (e.g. Raspberry Pi)
- Linux arm64
To run deCONZ in a Docker container, we recommend the Docker image deconz-community/deconz-docker, which is maintained by the community.
The installation steps are described on https://github.com/deconz-community/deconz-docker.